Differences between Wix and WordPress. Which is better?

Differences between Wix and WordPress. Which is better?

If you are thinking of creating a web page, the first thing you should do is consider the architecture you are going to use.

WordPress is a fairly complete CMS that continues to evolve with each passing day. It is characterized by its large number of available templates, for having plugins with which you can do everything, and for being very robust in terms of security.

As time goes by, WordPress also has to face competition, this is where Wix comes in. 

Wix has established itself as one of the best web builders of the moment. It allows the creation of dynamic pages with all kinds of features that make a difference.

But what are the differences between Wix and WordPress exactly? To make it easier for you to make the decision about which architecture to use, here we show them in detail.

Which is better: Wix or WordPress? Discover its characteristics and differences


WordPress is easy to use, but some extension or plugin will require advanced knowledge. 

Sooner or later something will go wrong with this CMS, and then you will have to follow tutorials to fix things. Sometimes they will be easy to follow, and sometimes they will be quite an odyssey.

In contrast, Wix is very easy to use. It has been designed with a very visual editor where placing any widget or functionality will be as easy as drag and drop. And if you need more functionality, you have a complete resource centre to turn to.


Continuing with the differences between Wix and WordPress, we come to the design.

In the Wix template library we can find around 1000 free designs. In addition, they are very well categorized so that they are easy to find.

The problem is that not many of them are not responsive, so we will have to take care of their adaptation.

WordPress has a larger number of templates, both paid and free. And if you know programming, it is possible to access the code to make any type of adaptation.


If you want to create an online store, then you may be wondering which is better, Wix or WordPress. Although it is true that there are specific CMS for this (as is the case with Prestashop), these 2 tools defend themselves quite well.

Wix has a module focused on electronic commerce: Control the catalog, shipping, payment methods, among other functionalities. The only problem is that, due to certain limitations, it is not the best option for large stores.

In the case of WordPress, together with the WooCommerce plugin, here will be nothing we cannot do. Of course, we may have to pay to access additional features.


Wix is a platform where we can create a nice structure of categories. It also gives you the option of creating labels, leaving scheduled posts, showing widgets with related posts, among other features.

We can set up an advanced blog with Wix. The editor allows us to create texts and integrate images, videos, GIFs, separators, etc. You also have the option of entering code through HTML, but it can be very complete for initiated users.

If you are wondering which is better, WordPress or Wix in terms of blog categorization and creation, we think the former is the better option. And it is that WP has always been oriented to blogs, allowing you to create everything you need (advanced categories, tags, RSS).

The WordPress editor is based on a block system. If you add Elementor, or some plugin like that, you will have a more visual and intuitive control.

And if something goes wrong with your templates, with a little technical knowledge of programming you can do wonders.


It is useless to create a page with an impeccable style, if the SEO positioning is a mess. In other words: you won’t rank well in Google and no one will get in.

There are also important differences between Wix and WordPress when it comes to SEO.

Wix allows you to optimize both the title of the website and modify the alternative texts. It also allows you to work on the headers.

But it has 2 problems:

·Images are automatically named on upload, and the names are very rare. If we are not aware, it could affect the SEO of the web.

It is possible to customize the URL of posts, but not completely as WordPress allows.

On the other hand, WordPress allows the installation of advanced plugins (such as Yoast SEO) to work better the positioning of a website.


Wix not only has good support on the forums, but also via the phone. If you have problems, you will find a human voice to guide you.

On the other hand, WordPress does not have official technical support, although there is a large community that can answer all your questions.

So, in the comparison of Wix vs WordPress… Which is better? It will depend on what you are looking for: for users who want something simple and do not seek to complicate their lives, they should bet on Wix. For advanced and professional users, WordPress is the best option.