plugins woocommerce esenciales

15 plugins that you must implement in your Woocommerce

There are countless plugins for WooCommerce with the most varied functions: motivate the purchase, manage stock, improve the user experience, facilitate payment, generate conversation… Some are more useful and others are less recommended.

So that you do not waste hours and hours testing plugins that may end up weighing down your website, at Doowebs we have prepared a list of the 15 best plugins for WooCommerce. Take note!

15 Best WooCommerce Plugins

WooCommerce itself is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create, customize, and manage the basics of an online store. Simple, intuitive and uncomplicated. So why should I install more plugins?

Because, if you choose them well, they will help you optimize your time, improve your customers’ user experience, increase sales, increase loyalty and, ultimately, boost your business. Sounds good, right?

As always, the plugins to install will depend on the characteristics of your eCommerce and the needs of your customers. And since we know that all this can be a mess, we have classified them into four large groups of functions:

Motivate the purchase

  1. Product Enquiry for WooCommerce

Your mission is to facilitate the user experience on your website. A potential customer who feels comfortable and safe is much more likely to end up buying and, even better, to become a recurring user in your store. This plugin helps to achieve this through a button located on each product page so that it can come to you in case of doubt. In addition to feeling accompanied in a somewhat more humanized process, you will prevent them from making the wrong product or, worse, not buying it.

  1. WooCommerce Wishlist plugin

Have you ever been interested in a product but not wanted or been able to buy it at the time? Through a‘wish list’you provide your users with the possibility of saving the products they like the most without having to take them to the shopping cart; an option that will help you increase recurring users and encourage loyalty. Many of them will end up making their purchase!

  1. YITH WooCommerce Compare

More and more users make comparisons of brands and products before deciding to buy one. Make it easy for them to do it within your store: this plugin allows the user to view different products, side by side, to compare images and information and make the best purchase decision.

  1. YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier

What is the main disadvantage of eCommerce compared to physical stores? That customers cannot touch the product with their hands. To minimize this problem, this type of plugin will help you implement very high-quality product sheets, with all the necessary information correctly ordered. In addition, the user can zoom in on certain points of the image to see the details of the product. He will thank you.

  1. Custom Related Products for WooCommerce

Custom Related Products for WooCommerce You can add other similar or complementary items to the product pages that the user is looking at, through the message that is most powerful in your case: “You may also be interested in…”, “Other users have also bought…”, “Enjoy them together …”.

  1. WooCommerce PPOM

In the case of offering customizable products, this plugin allows the user to add that unique touch, which improves their experience and, for you, makes it easier for you to monitor the specific characteristics of each order.

Close the purchase

  1. Stripe Payment Gateway

The time of payment is critical in any transaction. To minimize the chances of customer abandonment, this plugin for WooCommerce is one of the best payment gateways for e-commerce, since it allows you to simplify the process and offer you all the Possible payment alternatives: credit and debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, API Payment Request…

  1. WooCommerce Menu Cart

You can have the best WooCommerce template, but if the cart button fails to do its job… You have a major problem. Make sure you give it visibility through a plugin like this one, which will make your users one click away from making the purchase.

  1. WooCommerce Product FAQs

Answering the main doubts and questions from your clients is a very favourable point for your online project. Especially if you work in a sector that generates a lot of doubts and concerns, or if you simply want to give them an adequate answer before they leave.

  1. Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

The abandoned cart. One of the big problems facing eCommerce. How to get them to come back to complete their purchase? This plugin will help you reach those users who decided to ‘leave it for another time’ by automatically sending an email: with a powerful copy, you will be able to finish many of those unfinished purchases.

  1. ReferralCandy para WooCommerce

Your most recurring customers deserve a prize. To retain your audiences and work on engagement, be sure to offer discounts, gifts, bonuses and other actions of thanks to those users who buy from you the most. This plugin will help you create and communicate these rewards, which you can also offer to those who share valuable content about your business.

eCommerce Management

  1. Sendcloud

The correct management of shipments is crucial for the success of your online project. Do you want to offer your customers their favourite delivery option? DHL, Correos, Correos Express, UPS, MRW… One more example of your commitment to your public who, without a doubt, will thank you with new purchases.

  1. WooCommerce Store Exporter

This plugin is designed so that you can export data in XLS, XML or CSV. In this way, you will learn interesting information regarding the tastes and behaviour of your customers: characteristics, most visited products and categories, periods of time…

  1. WooCommerce Multilingual

Communication is the key to success. Well, one of many… But it is crucial to be able to close sales. If you are addressing an international audience, this plugin -compatible with all WooCommerce extensions-will help you to inform them in their own language without you having to do the translations manually.

  1. WooCommerce Currency Switcher

Another interesting plugin for international stores is this currency converter: a necessary alternative if you want to take advantage of business opportunities in other parts of the world. Its main advantage is that it allows the user to know in real time the cost of their order in their own currency, without having to leave the website or make calculations. A commitment to transparency and professionalism that your foreign clients will value positively.

Have you used any of these plugins for WooCommerce?

Before starting to install all these components, from Doowebs we give you an important piece of advice:

Not all plugins are equally valid for all online projects. Installing all these plugins without a clear objective can end up slowing down your website and even confusing your customers, due to an excess of options and functions.

The ideal is to analyse the needs of your eCommerce to strategically choose the plugins that can most improve the experience of your users. This will help you increase sales, improve loyalty and boost your business. Need help? We give you a cable from Doowebs, your web development company in Valencia.