
Windows RT automatic repair could’t repair your pc

f when starting our tablet with Windows RT automatic repair does not work, or you couldn’t reset the tablet. We get the followingMessage: Automatic Repair could’t repair your PC. Log File: c: \windows \ system32 \ LogFiles \ Srt \ SrtTrail.txt

Escaping quotes and special characters

One of the problems that we have found to make applications for PHP, is the need to escape the quotation marks in forms or in any update that is done from the front-end and stored in the DB my_sql. After reviewing some pages on the internet and see that many of us have the same […]

Change rights and owners of linux recursively

When you spend half of your working life installing Joomla, WordPress and other free softwars on different servers, always end by hitting with the issue of rights. I can not upload files to some folder, with Plesk if I can not change the owner or I can not do it recursively or I have to […]