Top 11 Free WordPress Templates

WordPress is arguably the favorite CMS platform on the web. Users love WordPress themes because they are easy to set up and can be used to create web pages like a blog or a personal and or corporate website.

Payment method options and gateways for WooCommerce

Before starting any e-commerce project, we advise the client explaining the different payment methods for their future online shop. Depending on the project, we recommend the client one or more of the following methods. At Doowebs we are experts in the design of online shops in Valencia. Before the launch, we have to be clear […]

Custom tables in the WordPress Database

In the development of projects in WordPress, it is sometimes necessary to create new tables in the WordPress database and interact with the data they contain. This can be interesting in the case of not wanting to interfere with native WordPress tables. Before generating new tables, we must meditate on the pros and cons that […]

Optimize WordPress: the wp-config.php file

The WordPress configuration file is wp-config.php, where constants are defined and certain PHP instructions are given. This file should not be changed arbitrarily and it should be noted that the most appropriate place to add constants and functions is before the comment line: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ If this file is reviewed, various sections can be seen, including […]

Use Grunt to automate processes

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks like minification, compilation, unit tests and linting. It uses a command line interface to execute custom tasks defined in a file (known as Gruntfile). Grunt is distributed through npm and has a multitude of add-ons available. Before you start, you should […]

Creating a Gutenberg block

WordPress Block Editor. Building blocks. We are going to create a new block of dynamic content, implementing it in JavaScript. In this example, the block will be the featured image of a post and a link to that post, the user is being able to choose the post to be displayed by a search or […]

Creating a Child Theme in WordPress

A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of the parent theme. The main advantage of using a child theme is that by updating the theme you will not lose the modifications you have been able to make. To start we have to access, via FTP, the WordPress file system and create a […]

How to add styles to Gutenberg blocks

Extension blocks Let’s carry out through an example how to add a block style, extend the block editor and improve the design by CSS in WordPress. This example adds a class of its own to a block. Let’s see how to add a new style of quotes (“) to the quotes block. We are going […]

How to create your website with WordPress

Creating a web page is nowadays, in a world so digitalized and global, essential for any type of business or company. It is hard to think of any company that does not need an online presence to spread its brand and business. When designing and scheduling them, there are many options, from hiring a programmer […]

How to manually migrate WordPress in five easy steps

You want to improve your WordPress website and the best option that you have proposed is to change servers. You may not know anything about it and you get nervous, but calm. You should not be scared. We come to explain how to do it in a few small steps. From Doowebs we can also […]