How to optimize your website so that it ranks on Google

How to optimize your website so that it ranks on Google

The positioning of a brand is a key factor for any company to achieve success and remain in the market. This positioning means occupying the first places in the mind of the consumer, thanks to the association of the brand with unique and outstanding characteristics.

Currently, in the midst of the digital age, this reach and permanence in the market goes hand in hand with digital media. So, this positioning was transferred to social networks and web pages, channels that must be optimized to achieve the first places and that can be visible by potential customers.

For this reason, to make your brand visible, many people ask themselves how to optimize their web page in Google, something that is closely linked to the website optimized for SEO.

What is SEO

First you have to know that search engine optimization, or SEO for its acronym in English, is a set of techniques that are carried out to ensure that a web page is among the first positions in the SERPs, but in an organic way, that is, without paying for it.

SEO techniques are divided as follows:

On-page SEO. These are actions executed within the web page for optimization.

These actions are focused on the following:

  • Structure of the web page.
  • Generation of content.
  • Use of keywords.
  • Load speed.
  • Structure of URLs.
  • Use of H1, H2, H3 headings….

Off-page SEO. They are techniques used outside the website to optimize it. Between

These techniques are achieved by the following:

  • Incoming links or link building.
  • Use of social networks.

Importance of an SEO optimized website

As can be seen, SEO is applied to the optimization of both the web page and its content, in order to persuade and achieve that the search engines position this website among the first positions of the SERPs, implicitly recommending it to users.

Using this tool, the visualization of a web page is obtained by those who are interested in and are looking for the product/service or content that has been published on it. Undoubtedly, essential for the consolidation of a brand.

Google Zero Position

How to optimize my web page in Google is a question that people ask themselves every day. Of course, Google is the most used search engine, and managing to be well positioned in the list that produces as a result will be able to position the brand.

Of this list, position 1 has been the most desired of the pages. Although, now, there is also zero position, and this is indeed coveted. Position zero is in the top space of the search result, displaying a snippet of the article’s content to respond to the user.

To achieve this position in Google, in an organic way, the web page must be optimized for SEO.

How to optimize my website on Google

To ensure that the web page is optimized for SEO, make it appear in the Google ranking and make it visible to users, the following steps are required:other actions:

Increases loading speed

The web page should load quickly. This positively influences the user experience, as well as being one of the factors that Google takes into account in its search, selection, and results display process. To increase loading speed you can:

  • Install plugins suitable for the web portal that generate greater speed when loading. Sure, be careful, too many plugins can make the page heavy.
  • Optimize images. Images should always be optimized, since they are one of the elements that contribute the most weight to an article, and can slow down the loading of the website.  Among the most used formats are JPG and PNG.

One of the free tools to optimize images for WordPress is the Smush it plugin.

Use a responsive structure

For the visibility of your website, it is also essential that it have a structure Responsive, which has an optimized design both on the computer and on mobile devices.

One of the online tools for evaluating performance, speed and responsive design is PageSpeed Insights.

Select the URL that identifies your page

The address of your web page is taken into account in the crawl that Google does at the time of the search. So, if you use an address that reflects the content you display on your page, you can be taken into account by search engines more easily. In summary, the URL must be friendly for the user.

Create a content strategy

To optimize your website and improve its positioning in Google, you must establish and apply a content strategy. The objectives that you must meet are the following:

  • Define your audience, according to the characteristics of the user you want to find your page and become its user.
  • Analyze what you want and target that audience.
  • Establish the resources to use to create and disseminate the content on your website. For example, the tone, the theme and the keywords.

Generate and share valuable content

The content that you generate and share on your web page must be valuable for the audience that you have defined, it must care about, nurture and help them, both in what they want and seek as well as in the problems they have

But remember that it must also be quality content, since Google crawls and identifies relevant content, in addition, you must make the reader feel comfortable on your page.

Insert images and videos

By including images, videos, diagrams and other visual or audiovisual resources, you will be helping the user to understand the message of your web page. This point is taken into account by Google when executing the search and returning results.

In short, all these actions that you must carry out on your web portal to optimize it and achieve positioning in Google and, why not, the coveted zero position, are focused on ensuring a good page structure and create valuable and quality content.

Of course, for this you must also work and constantly update what you offer, be aware of your audience, promote rapprochement with them through comments or e-mails. Remember that even when the user sees and enters your web portal, if they do not feel that they have what they are looking for, they will simply look for it on another page.